速報APP / 活動 / Global WealthTech Summit 2018

Global WealthTech Summit 2018





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:46 Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, England SK9 6AL

Global WealthTech Summit 2018(圖1)-速報App

The official conference app for the Global WealthTech Summit taking place in London on 7 November 2018.

Highlights from the Summit include:

• Join 500 senior level delegates

• Engage with over 150 CEOs, CIOs, COOs, CTOs and heads of digital innovation, technology, wealth management and private banking

• Meet 100+ WealthTech company CEOs and founders

• Over 100 senior-level industry advisors with proven deal advisory or execution expertise

• See the next-generation of WealthTech and asset management tech solutions available.

• Get your WealthTech product or service in front of active buyers and influencers

• Find out what strategies FIs and investment firms are taking to address the challenges and opportunities they face. 

• Learn from experts how to identify and implement the right innovation and digital strategies.

Global WealthTech Summit 2018(圖2)-速報App

Download the app and get all the information you need:

• Browse the most up-to-date agenda

• Review biographies of all speakers

• See profiles of sponsor companies

• Get more information about exhibitors

• Access the full attendee list

• Message and connect with other delegates

• Arrange 1-2-1 meetings

• Participate in live polls

• Contribute to Q& A sessions

Global WealthTech Summit 2018(圖3)-速報App

• View the venue plan

• Get live updates throughout the day

Global WealthTech Summit 2018(圖4)-速報App